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기상항공기에서 관측된 내화성 블랙카본의 2020년 봄철 서해상 수직 분포특성
글쓴이 관리자 (IP: *.223.176.122) 작성일 2021-11-01 19:35 조회수 254

기상항공기에서 관측된 내화성 블랙카본의 2020년 봄철 서해상 수직 분포특성  

Vertical Distributions of Refractory Black Carbon over the Yellow Sea during the Spring 2020 



Black carbon (BC) is a light-absorbing particle that strongly absorbs visible light and called short-lived climate
pollutant. In this study, refractory black carbon (rBC) was measured onboard the Gisang Aircraft using a single particle soot
photometer (SP2) over the Yellow Sea during March 20~June 03, 2020. For the seven flights, the range of number and mass
concentration of rBC and the number concentration of scattering particles were <10~320 cm-3, <5~710 ng m-3, and
<10~2299 # cm-3, respectively. In addition, the geometric mean mass diameter (Dgm) of rBC and thick-coated rBC fraction
(Fthick-coat) were 167~182 nm and 34~58%, respectively. Generally, rBC number and mass concentration and the number
concentration of scattering particles were higher at planetary boundary layer (PBL) than free troposphere (FT) and rBC
concentration was particularly affected by the PBL development. As the PBL height increased, the concentrations of rBC and
scattering particles decreased. It was found that the evolution of boundary layer affected the vertical distribution of rBC
properties over the Yellow Sea.


Key words 

Black carbon, Size distribution, Mixing state, Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2), Yellow Sea, Vertical distribution


▶출처 : 한국대기환경학회지 제 37권 제 5호, 2021.10

파일 기상항공기에서 관측된 내화성 블랙카본의 2020년 봄철 서해상 수직 분포특성.pdf(13.6M)