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2급 방진마스크 밀착도 평가
글쓴이 관리자 (IP: *.223.176.122) 작성일 2022-07-28 11:22 조회수 309

2급 방진마스크 밀착도 평가

Fit Tests for Second-class Half Masks



Objectives: The purpose of this study is to confirm whether there is a factor to affect the evaluation of fit test

of a 2nd class half masks using a OPC test method.

Methods: Total 34 adults including Males and Females were tested using OPC-based fit testing equipment

while wearing a 2nd class half filtered mask.

Results: 1. The result of measuring face dimensions using different tools such as a 3D scanner and digital

calipers revealed that the variation of lip width was not statistically significant because there was only a

difference of about 4 ㎜. However, it showed that a difference in face length was statistically significant

enough with 10 ㎜(p<0.000).

2. The fit factor for each exercise stage according to gender was the highest at 124.54(p<0.001) in Step 3,

and the fit factor was the lowest at 73.75 in Step 1.

3. In the evaluation of the degree of fit factor according to gender, female passed 67.44%, which was higher

than the value in male(p<0.038).

4. The acceptance rate of the group having a face length of shorter than 110 ㎜ was 91.67%. On the other

hand, the acceptance rate of the group with a face length of longer than 110 ㎜ was 47.27%(p<0.000).

5. The fit test was possible because the fit factor with 2nd class half masks corresponding to FFP1(Filtering

Face Piece 1) was passed 55% or more.

Conclusions: The test results showed that using a 2nd class half filtered mask, it is important to wear a

properly designed mask so that face size does not affect the fit factor.


Key words 

Fit test, 2nd class half filtered mask, 3D, anthropometric, Leakage

▶출처 : 한국산업보건학회지, 제32권 제2호(2022) 

파일 2급 방진마스크 밀착도 평가.pdf(555.8K)