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코사인 유사도(Cosine Similarity)를 이용한 2021 서해상 대기질 입체관측(YES-AQ)캠페인 기간 내화성 Black Carbon (rBC) 관측자료 유효성 분석
글쓴이 관리자 (IP: *.223.176.122) 작성일 2023-01-05 10:09 조회수 218
코사인 유사도 (Cosine Similarity)를 이용한 2021 서해상 대기질 입체관측 (YES-AQ) 
캠페인 기간 내화성 Black Carbon (rBC) 관측자료 유효성 분석
A Validity Analysis for Refractory Black Carbon Observations Data Using Cosine Similarity Method 
During the 2021 Yellow Sea - Air Quality Campaign

Black Carbon (BC) is an important substance that affects global warming and it is highly observed in the Asian continent. Aerosols including BC pass through the Yellow Sea and they cause adverse effects on South Korea. However it is not easy to understand the aerosol characteristics and movement over the Yellow Sea due to the sparse observation. The NIMS/KMA (National Institute of Meteorological Sciences/Korea Meteorological Administration) introduced a YES-AQ (Yellow Sea-Air Quality) campaign every spring since 2018, and tried to observe BC from the atmospheric research aircraft, NARA (NIMS Atmospheric Research Aircraft). The NARA observes number concentrations and mass concentrations of BC single particles using SP2 (Single Particle Soot Photometer), and the light absorption coefficient of BC using TAP (Tricolor Absorption Photometer) with three wavelengths. In order to analyze the validity of the 550 nm light absorption coefficient observed from TAP, the similarity was confirmed by comparing the measurements of the 550 nm light scattering coefficient from Nephelometer during the 2021 YES-AQ campaign. In addition, as a result of verifying the light absorption coefficient measurement in TAP and the rBC (refractory BC) mass concentrations measurement in SP2 using the Cosine Similarity method, it was confirmed that the tendency showed good agreement with cosine similarity of 0.953±0.033.

Key words
rBC mass concentration, 550 nm light absorption coefficient, 550 nm light scattering coefficient, NARA, YES-AQ

▶출처 : 한국대기환경학회지 제 38 권 제 6 호, December 2022, pp. 906-918
파일 코사인 유사도(Cosine Similarity)를 이용한 2021 서해상 대기질 입체관측(YES-AQ)캠페인 기간 내화성 Black Carbon (rBC) 관측자료 유효성 분석.pdf(1.6M)