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2014~2015년 제주도에서 관측한 황사의 이동경로에 따른 입경별 화학 특성
글쓴이 관리자 (IP: *.223.176.122) 작성일 2023-05-11 17:02 조회수 138

2014~2015년 제주도에서 관측한 황사의 이동경로에 따른 입경별 화학 특성

Size-segregated Aerosol Chemical Characteristics in According with Pathways of the Asian Dust Observed in 2014 and 2015 in Jeju, Korea



This study was conducted to investigate the size-segregated chemical characteristics of water-soluble inorganic

aerosols collected using a Micro Orifice Uniform Deposit Impactor (MOUDI) during dust-related in Jeju, Korea. Events

were classified into two cases (A (Gobi/Inner Mongolia-Loess Plateau-Jeju), B (Gobi/Inner Mongolia-Manchuria-Jeju))

according to the pathway and they were subdivided into dust (D), haze (H) and haze-dust (H&D) by aerosol size

distribution data of aerodynamic particle sizer. The concentration of NO3 - was relatively high at coarse mode of 3.2~

5.6 μm, while it showed high concentrations with a bimodal pattern at both fine and coarse modes during hase-dust of

Case B (B_H&D). Na+ showed high concentrations mostly at coarse mode of 3.2~5.6 μm, while Na+ showed high

concentrations with a bimodal pattern at both fine and coarse particle modes during dust of case B (B_D). In relation to

the difference in particle size distribution, Principal Component Analysis showed that water-soluble components

originated mostly from seasalt and soil dust except B_D. B_D originated from biomass burning and alkali dust.


Key words 

MOUDI, Pathway, Asian dust, Haze, Haze&Dust

▶출처 : 한국대기환경학회지 제 39권 제 2 호, 2023.04

파일 2014~2015년 제주도에서 관측한 황사의 이동경로에 따른 입경별 화학 특성.pdf(2.7M)