FUSION PTR-TOF MS 음이온(SRI-)모드 출시, CO3- 이온화 모드 | |||||
글쓴이 | 관리자 | 작성일 | 2024-12-11 14:06 | 조회수 | 233 |
With the new SRI- mode, bipolar FUSION PTR-TOF instruments can now switch to CO3- ionization with the push of a button! PTR-MS using H3O+ reagent ions is an established low-pressure chemical ionization method for real-time monitoring and direct quantification of volatile organic compounds (VOC). While this method covers the vast majority of organic compounds, further primary selective reagent ions (SRI) like NO+, O2+, NH4+ can significantly increase our understanding of the chemical composition of complex samples. Recently, IONICON introduced a next-generation PTR-MS, the FUSION PTR-TOF, boosting the sensitivity to unprecedented levels while still conserving the genuine, predictable ion chemistry. IONICON now introduces SRI-, extending the instrument capabilities to the negative ion mode. Owing to the incorporation of the novel Fusion RF reaction chamber, reagent ions like CO3- become accessible. These enable the detection of inorganic compounds like SO2, HNO3, H2SO4, other small inorganic acids and organic acids. With a push of a button, this instrument switches from quantitative H3O+ ionization to a CIMS-like operation in CO3- mode. Why is this important? Acids characterize a plethora of chemical processes: atmospheric oxidation forms a complex mixture of organic acids, perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCAs) impact the environment and small inorganic acids like HCl define modern-day high-tech industrial productions. Having a highly selective ionization mode like CO3- now enables a direct characterization helping to deepen the understanding of our environment and enabling the monitoring and optimization of processes. Switching requires no hardware modifications and can be done fully automated. Hence, the bipolar FUSION PTR-TOF offers maximum flexibility to capture both quantitative H3O+ and CIMS-like CO3- data in real-time with one single instrument.
출처 : https://www.ionicon.com/blog/2024/launch-of-co3-ionization-for-bipolar-fusion-ptr-tof-with-sri