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IONICON PTR-TOF MS : Committed to 100% Renewable Energy
글쓴이 관리자 작성일 2024-12-11 14:31 조회수 32

We are now generating solar power directly from our rooftop. 

This is a significant step forward in our ongoing commitment to sustainability.

Our products have long been recognized for their role in making the world a cleaner place. PTR-TOF instruments, for example, are widely used in monitoring emissions, providing critical insights into the Earth's climate, and helping scientists and policymakers address climate change through informed strategies and countermeasures.

PTR-MS is also a green analytical tool, perfectly aligning with the principles of Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC).

For many years, we have sourced 100% of our electricity from renewable energy. Over 90% of this comes from hydropower, with the remainder supplied by other renewable sources. This approach ensures that our electricity consumption produces zero CO2 emissions and generates no radioactive waste.

Taking our sustainability efforts further, we have now installed a large array of solar panels on our company’s rooftop. Previously occupied only by HVAC systems, this space now contributes directly to our energy needs, powering our PTR-MS instruments, air conditioning systems, and office operations. 

We are proud to make this sustainable investment in our site in Innsbruck, hometown of PTR-MS and the "Capital of the Alps."

출처 : https://www.ionicon.com/blog/2024/investing-in-solar-power-100-renewable-energy


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